Does Your Policy Cover Your Car in the Event of a Hurricane?

Liability-only insurance won’t cover your car in the event it is damaged or lost during a hurricane. Your agent at Karla Salmon Insurance, serving Oviedo, FL and all of the state, will have to write you comprehensive coverage for that.

Comprehensive coverage is what its name suggests. It protects your car in the event of many different kinds of hazards, including theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters, including windstorms and hurricanes. But there is a catch:

You can’t get comprehensive coverage for your car once a tropical storm watch or hurricane watch has been issued.

Preparation is Key

The time to get comprehensive coverage is before you think you will need it! Protecting your car from wind and high water is always a good idea. Still, if your vehicle is damaged by wind or high water in Oviedo, FL, or wherever you evacuate, comprehensive coverage will protect it. Comprehensive will protect your car in Florida or any other US state.

Potential Hurricane Damage

What kinds of damage can occur during a hurricane? Comprehensive coverage covers your car’s floating away or being crushed by a falling tree. It also covers damage from submersion in water or exposure to salt water. If the wind tosses a large object against your vehicle, you’ll be covered.

It would be best if you kept in mind that unless your policy says otherwise, your payout will consider your vehicle’s blue book value. Depreciation will reduce your payout (unless you get agreed-value coverage on your classic car, which you can discuss with your agent at Karla Salmon Insurance).

Your premiums will likely go up after a claim on your comprehensive coverage, but not as much as if you were in an at-fault accident.

Secure Your Comprehensive Insurance Today

The best time to get comprehensive insurance is always now. Call us today!