3 Facts About Home Insurance You Need To Know

At Karla Salmon Insurance, we offer quotes for home insurance among many other lines of business. Home insurance provides coverage in case of damage to a home’s interior or exterior, loss or damage to property in the home, and liability coverage for accidents on the property. However, every home insurance policy has a liability limit. In case of an unfortunate situation, you will only be compensated that amount.

Facts About Home Insurance

1. A home insurance Policy is not a Mortgage Insurance

Mortgage insurance protects your lender from losing money in case you default because of illness or death. It offers a guarantee that you will pay the mortgage in full. While the purpose of home insurance is to protect homeowners, mortgage insurance protects the lenders.

2. A Home Insurance Policy Is Not a Home Warranty

A home warranty is an additional coverage to help with repairs and replacements. Home warranties cover specifics such as plumbing and electronics’ repair. Home warranties are diverse depending on your budget and situation. Even though both home insurance and home warranties cover you against unforeseen problems, home warranties are used to offer coverage that isn’t offered by home insurance. Home insurance, for example, doesn’t cover normal wear and tear.

3. Home Insurance Doesn’t Always Cover Natural Disasters

Acts of God’ such as floods, earthquakes, lightning, and strong winds aren’t usually covered by standard home insurance. For such insurance, you may need to buy additional coverage. It is crucial to talk to your insurance provider about it and find out which natural disaster if any, they cover.

Karla Salmon Insurance Agency in Oviedo, FL believes in personalizing our clients’ needs and working with them to find the right insurance policy for them. Our team is experienced, knowledgeable, and always willing to help.

Contact us or visit us in Oviedo, FL to get a free quote. Our agents are ready to work with you and help you get started on a home insurance policy.

The 4 Types of Home Insurance All New Homeowners Should Have

It’s important to remember that all homeowners insurance policies are different. However, there are some basic types of home insurance that all homeowners should make sure they have. They are as follows:

Dwelling coverage

This is the main coverage type that you’ll get in most any home insurance policy. As the name suggests, it protects the dwelling or structure of your home. This includes all walls, floors, ceilings, and built-in appliances

Contents coverage

The word “contents” is an insurance term that refers to all items in your home that are not part of the dwelling or structure. For example, the contents of your home include your clothing, your furniture, your kitchen appliances, and all other products and items.

Personal liability coverage

Of course, you’ll want to have personal liability coverage as well. This type of coverage is a bit different. It covers you in the event that you or your property causes bodily harm and injury to someone else or damage to someone else’s property.

Other optional types of home insurance

There are other optional types of home insurance available as well. You’ll want to discuss these types of insurance with your insurance agent to see if they’re applicable to you and your home and family. These other types of insurance include coverage for valuables such as jewelry, earthquake insurance, flood insurance, law insurance or ordinance insurance, and more.

Need Home Insurance? Contact Karla Salmon Insurance Today

If you are a new homeowner, Karla Salmon Insurance can help you find the homeowners insurance plan you’ve been looking for! There are many options available for all different budgets and coverage options. Give us a call today, or stop by one of our local offices to learn more about your home insurance options!