Does Your Policy Cover Your Car in the Event of a Hurricane?

Liability-only insurance won’t cover your car in the event it is damaged or lost during a hurricane. Your agent at Karla Salmon Insurance, serving Oviedo, FL and all of the state, will have to write you comprehensive coverage for that.

Comprehensive coverage is what its name suggests. It protects your car in the event of many different kinds of hazards, including theft, vandalism, fire, and natural disasters, including windstorms and hurricanes. But there is a catch:

You can’t get comprehensive coverage for your car once a tropical storm watch or hurricane watch has been issued.

Preparation is Key

The time to get comprehensive coverage is before you think you will need it! Protecting your car from wind and high water is always a good idea. Still, if your vehicle is damaged by wind or high water in Oviedo, FL, or wherever you evacuate, comprehensive coverage will protect it. Comprehensive will protect your car in Florida or any other US state.

Potential Hurricane Damage

What kinds of damage can occur during a hurricane? Comprehensive coverage covers your car’s floating away or being crushed by a falling tree. It also covers damage from submersion in water or exposure to salt water. If the wind tosses a large object against your vehicle, you’ll be covered.

It would be best if you kept in mind that unless your policy says otherwise, your payout will consider your vehicle’s blue book value. Depreciation will reduce your payout (unless you get agreed-value coverage on your classic car, which you can discuss with your agent at Karla Salmon Insurance).

Your premiums will likely go up after a claim on your comprehensive coverage, but not as much as if you were in an at-fault accident.

Secure Your Comprehensive Insurance Today

The best time to get comprehensive insurance is always now. Call us today!

Gap Insurance vs. Auto Insurance: What’s the Difference?

Auto insurance is necessary in most states, but many people don’t realize that gap insurance may also be useful. There is a key difference between auto insurance and gap insurance, mainly that gap insurance helps cover the difference between what we pay and the outstanding principal on a vehicle loan. If you’re still confused, we at Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL can help you understand the differences.

What is Gap Insurance?

Gap insurance is a separate type of insurance policy that helps reimburse you if your vehicle is totaled. In many cases, your car may not be fully paid off. If you have standard auto insurance, you may be stuck paying for the remainder of your loan, as auto insurance only provides payments based on the original balance of the vehicle. 

If you’re funding through a car loan, then you’ll likely have added fees, interest, and extra charges added to your loan. Gap insurance is designed to help cover those costs when auto insurance only gives enough for the car’s value. Hence, it can benefit some drivers to purchase gap insurance at an additional charge.

The Main Difference Between Gap and Auto Insurance

Auto insurance and gap insurance serve different purposes. Auto insurance is primarily for accidents and injuries, providing coverage for damage up to a specific limit. On the other hand, gap insurance is specifically designed to bridge the ‘gap’ between insurance payouts and the remaining balance of your vehicle loan. 

Who Needs Gap Insurance?

Not everyone needs gap insurance. In fact, if your vehicle is paid off, then you likely won’t need it. Drivers who have vehicle loans would benefit the most from gap insurance. So, if you’re ready to discuss, our team at Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL is happy to help.

What needs to be included in a new auto insurance plan?

Those living in the Oviedo, FL, area are going to find that being a vehicle owner is a good option. When you buy a car in this area, you will have an easier time getting around the community and enjoying all it has to offer. If you are going to buy a car, you do need to get insurance for it as well, and one of these plans should include various forms of coverage to ensure you are supported. 

Protection for Car

A form of coverage you will need to have in an auto plan is protection for your car. If you are going to buy a car, you will quickly find that it can cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain, and the best way to protect this investment is with insurance. If you are appropriately insured, you will have support if your car is damaged or stolen and needs to be replaced or repaired. 

Liability Insurance

You also need to ensure you have proper liability insurance in your auto plan. When you have a liability insurance policy, it will offer support if you are at fault in an accident. This can help ensure you can cover damages, but it will also keep you in good standing with the law, which requires you to maintain auto coverage at all times. 

If you intend to drive a car in the Oviedo, FL area, you will likely know that you also need insurance. If you want auto coverage when you are here, our team with Karla Salmon Insurance is a great group to call. Our team with Karla Salmon Insurance will ensure you have the proper support and remain covered. 

Keys to Coverage: Auto Insurance Basics for Oviedo, FL Drivers

Navigating Oviedo’s busy streets can be tricky. Navigating grueling rush hour traffic in the blazing Orlando sun can become even more challenging when you know your vehicle isn’t adequately covered by insurance. 

The insurance experts at Karla Salmon Insurance are here to help! In the guide below, learn about a few auto insurance basics for Oviedo, FL drivers. 

Auto Insurance Basics for Florida Drivers

New drivers in Florida may be unaware that Sunshine State laws mandate all drivers to have minimum insurance coverage for liability protection on local area roads. Liability insurance protection is an introductory form of insurance that provides immediate financial protection for drivers in an at-fault accident. 

An auto accident can result in automobile damage, personal injuries, and legal liability claims for related medical expenses.

Talk to a trusted local insurance agent to learn more about the benefits of having mandatory coverage and how liability insurance can shield your finances in an automobile emergency. 

Additional Coverage Options Can Extend Your Policy Limits

Proactive drivers who want to protect their finances, passengers, and vehicles take their auto insurance protection a step further by adding comprehensive and collision coverages. These add-on auto insurance components can extend your policy limits to cover a variety of at-fault and no-fault accidents. 

Local drivers may know comprehensive coverage as “full coverage” insurance. This total insurance solution provides safeguards from accidents, liability claims, auto theft, vandalism, natural disasters, and even animal collisions. 

Get Auto Insurance Near You from a Trusted Local Provider in Oviedo, FL

Now that you understand auto insurance basics and coverages, the next step is to contact a knowledgeable local agent and get a quote! 

What to Do After an Accident

Auto Accident Guide: Steps to Take After an Incident

Most drivers may experience a car accident at some point, especially if they have been driving for a long duration. Here’s a guide to help you know what to do if you ever get involved in an accident.

Ensure Safety First

The Initiative after an accident is to confirm the safety of all implicated parties. Check for any injuries on yourself, then verify the well-being of your passengers and the occupants of the other vehicle.

If anyone is injured, summon an ambulance right away because people’s safety supersedes any insurance matters. In many cases, drivers involved in accidents around Oviedo, FL, can also relocate their vehicles to a secure location.

Exchange Critical Information

Switch contact and insurance data with the other driver involved in the accident. This includes names, addresses, phone numbers, insurers, and policy numbers. Acquiring contact information from any witnesses can be advantageous, too.

At Karla Salmon Insurance, we suggest drivers carry a physical copy of their insurance data in their vehicle, although looking it up on your phone is also feasible.

Document the Scene Accurately

Taking photographs of the accident scene can be beneficial when completing your insurance claim, mainly when there’s ambiguity concerning who’s at fault.

Capture images of all involved vehicles from a range of angles, showing the damage and the entire scene. Document any crucial road signs, traffic lights, or stop signs as well.

Call the Police if Required

In case of significant accidents, those that involve injuries or property damage, or any disagreement related to the accident’s occurrence, call the police. A police report delivers a credible and neutral document detailing the officer’s observations and the reported statements.

Reach Out for Auto Insurance Help

For auto insurance assistance, get in touch with Karla Salmon Insurance. Having helped numerous Oviedo, FL drivers, we’re here to assist you, too.

Must Have Auto Insurance Coverages for Oviedo, FL Drivers

If you live in Oviedo, the last thing on your mind while cruising down Orlando’s suburban roads is getting in an automobile accident. Auto accidents cause thousands of dollars in property damages and personal injuries and even lead to lawsuit filings in legal liability claims. 

Protect yourself and the passengers in your vehicle with the best auto insurance coverages available for your situation. 

Insurance pros at Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL can talk to you about must-have coverages for local area drivers. 

Must-Have Auto Insurance Coverage for Oviedo, FL Drivers 

  • Bodily Injury Liability: This mandatory liability insurance coverage helps to cover the costs of medical expenses for injured drivers if you’re at fault for a car accident. 
  • Property Damage Liability: Most drivers don’t ever expect to damage someone else’s property while driving on palm tree-lined Florida roads, but it can happen. Adequate liability insurance can help cover the costs. 
  • Collision Coverage: Collision coverage isn’t mandatory, but it is highly recommended for Florida drivers who want to have fewer out-of-pocket expenses for the repair or replacement of their vehicle when it’s been in an accident. 
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive insurance coverage offers a total insurance solution that includes protections for collisions, weather-related incidents, and non-collision-related incidents like vandalism or theft. 
  • Roadside Assistance: Adding roadside assistance to an automobile insurance policy can save policyholders time and money spent waiting for emergency roadside assistance on the side of Florida’s blistering hot roads. 
  • Rental Car Reimbursement: Talk to licensed insurance agents to learn about rental car reimbursement if you’re stuck without your car for a while because of accident-related car repairs. 

Please don’t wait until it’s too late to protect your four-wheeled investments. Contact Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL, and get an auto insurance quote today! 

Ridesharing and Auto Insurance: What Drivers Need to Know

Ridesharing services, like Uber and Lyft, have transformed how we commute. Whether you’re a full-time rideshare driver or occasionally offer rides to supplement your income, understanding the auto insurance implications is crucial. Here at Karla Salmon Insurance, providing auto insurance to customers in the greater Oviedo, FL region, we want to help you learn what rideshare drivers need to know about auto insurance.

Personal Auto Insurance

Most personal auto insurance policies do not cover commercial activities like ridesharing. Your coverage may be denied if you’re involved in an accident while driving for a rideshare company and only have personal insurance.

Rideshare Company Coverage

Rideshare companies typically provide insurance coverage while you’re actively driving for them. However, these policies often have coverage gaps, such as when you’re waiting for a ride request or driving without a passenger. It’s essential to understand when the rideshare company’s insurance applies.

Gap Insurance

Some insurance companies offer rideshare or gap insurance to bridge the coverage gaps. This additional coverage can protect you when using your vehicle for personal use but still has the potential for ride-share-related incidents.

If you’re a rideshare driver, don’t overlook the importance of proper auto insurance coverage. Review your personal policy, understand your rideshare company’s coverage, and consider adding gap insurance if necessary. Being informed and adequately insured will provide peace of mind as you navigate the roads as a rideshare driver, ensuring you’re protected in case of unexpected events. If you’re a rideshare driver and unsure if your auto insurance policy covers you, or you’re looking for a new policy in the greater Oviedo, FL region, reach out to the team at Karla Salmon Insurance to get help finding the perfect policy today. 

Why basic auto insurance may not be the right choice

Basic auto insurance is the insurance that is required by the state you live in. Florida is a no-fault state requiring Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL). You must have a minimum of $10,000 in PIP and a minimum of $10,000 in PDL. This helps to take care of others who suffer damage to their vehicle due to an accident you are found to be at fault. It also covers your injuries. 

When choosing auto coverage, you can count on Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL to offer the assistance and customer service you require. 

Basic auto coverage may be okay if you have no assets and a vehicle with very little value, but you will need more for everyone else. 

Liability coverage

Liability insurance protects you from legal action that may be taken against you due to an auto accident. It pays not only for the judgment but for legal fees as well. 


When your vehicle is damaged, in an accident, by a hit and run, or in a one-vehicle accident, this insurance will pay to have your car repaired or replaced after the deductible is paid. 


Comprehensive coverage covers most other types of damage your vehicle can sustain. Things like hail, strong winds, floods, vandalism, and theft. It also includes glass coverage which will replace your windshield if it is damaged. 

Gap coverage

Gap insurance covers the dollar amount between the amount of your car loan and the value the insurance company gives to your vehicle. 

At Karla Salmon Insurance in Oviedo, FL, we will be here to help when you need us. Give us a call or stop by our office. 

Protect Your Ride With the Right Auto Insurance Policy

As a car owner, you know that your vehicle is an investment. But it can be challenging to determine which auto insurance policy is right for you. After all, so many different policies with various coverage options are available. To ensure your car is adequately protected, you must understand what coverage you need and how much it will cost. Here are some of the options Karla Salmon Insurance can offer for Oviedo, FL residents.

Liability Coverage 

All states require drivers to have liability coverage, which protects other people if they are responsible for an accident. Liability coverage includes two types of coverage: bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury covers medical expenses for people injured in an accident that was your fault. Property damage covers any repairs needed for property affected by an accident (e.g., another vehicle or a building). 

Collision Coverage

Collision coverage helps pay for repairs if you are involved in an accident with another driver or object (e.g., a tree or telephone pole). This type of coverage also pays for damages caused by flipping or rolling over your vehicle during an accident—something that’s not covered by liability coverage. 

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage pays for damages caused by something other than a collision, such as theft, weather-related events (e.g., hail damage), or vandalism (e.g., broken windows). This type of coverage also pays if your car is stolen or damaged while parked on the street or in a parking lot—something else not covered by liability insurance. 

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage protects if you’re involved in an accident with someone who does not have sufficient insurance to cover all damages incurred during the accident—or no insurance at all! This policy also covers lost wages due to accidental injuries and medical bills resulting from an uninsured driver’s negligence. 

If you’re looking for reliable auto insurance policies in Oviedo, FL, contact Karla Salmon Insurance today!

Towing the Line

If you wear your seat belt, you may survive an auto accident without even a scratch. The same might not be said about your car. After insurance is exchanged and the police have taken reports, there’s still the genuine problem of getting a no longer viable vehicle off the street. In Florida, that can cost anywhere from $75 to $125, depending on the distance towed. If it’s only somewhere between five and ten miles, it’s $50 minimum. Who gets the bad news? 

Roadside Assistance

If you add roadside assistance coverage to your auto insurance, this may cover towing expenses. This is if your car breaks down on the road due to mechanical failure, out of gas, a nail in the tire, etc. If you need towing due to another driver’s mistake, they may have to pay for your towing through their liability insurance. Keep in mind that Florida is an At-Fault state. Also, remember to check your policy and hold on to those receipts. 

Making Roadside Assistance Work for You

You could call the tow company, pay upfront, hold onto the receipt and let your insurer reimburse you later. Or you could call your insurer and let them make the towing arrangements for you. Remember, there may be a limit to your insurer’s willingness to pay. If your problem is a dead battery or being out of gas, your insurer may make arrangements for you to get what you need to have your car moving on its own again rather than call the tow truck. If you have an electric vehicle, the roadside assistance coverage may cover a tow to a charging station. Please read the whole thing to find out what you can get before you need it. 

Karla Salmon Insurance Serving Oviedo, FL 

If you feel like you need your insurance policy explained, Karla Salmon Insurance will help you understand everything clearly.